Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Final Exam

As it is the last week of class, I feel that I have met all of the course objectives for Fundamentals of Advertising.  I was able to learn something new about advertisement each week and read and understand the book.   I have a better understanding of what advertisement really is and how hard it is to create, how clever one’s mind has to be to be able to think of a well put together advertisement for any product or service, and I understand the different ways one can take to create the advertisement.   From the book as well as from the teacher’s experiences, I have learned what one must consider when making an advertisement, such as the product itself, who it is directed to, and the way one might execute the campaign through different means, like through a commercial, billboard, or magazine add. In this class I feel I have been excelling each week and have only grown from the first day of class. I only missed one day of class but I immediately caught myself up and never fell behind.  I have strived to do my best and accomplish any assignments that were assigned and have met all the requirements for each assignment.  The letter grade that would best describe all my efforts would be an A.  I consider my school work most important and would never turn in anything that was not of good quality or A work.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Analysis of Project in Real World

This advertisement campain could work very well in the real world for the Fujifilm company.  Currently not much advertisement has been done for their company, but this could be the first step into the world of advertising.  I can certainly think of what kind of commercials to make and other ads to feature that will relate to this one and retain its story and purpose.  I do believe this product could be life changing for many adults, they just need to know that it's out there and their emotions and interests will follow through.  This could branch out to many other things for the company such as a website featuring pictures that people have taken soley with their cameras to build a instant love community. 

Creative Content

"A campaign must have visual impact, whether a visual surprise graphic interest, visual drama, or a breakthrough appearance. A creative approach in advertising must be appropriate for the product or service, and it must communicate and enhance the client's message- form follows function."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.204) The creative content that I believe best portrays a story through an image in this case, an image within an image is the above picture that can be used as a magazine ad, billboard, taxi topper, and bus advertisement. The slogan instant love is in a type of font similar to the font on the actual product's box. "Determine headings and subheadings in terms of color, size, and weight to distinguish the hierarchy of type from one another as well as from visuals."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.218)  In this advertisement, a story is told of an ordinary adult couple who may be on an adventure in paris.  They capture the moment of their visit to the Eiffel Tower and because they are out of the country, it may be difficult to develop any pictures, but in this case they instantly have a photo of a cherished experience ready for a scrapbook.  The image behind the polaroid picture is a map of Paris where they can also take pictures and have a memory of each landmark they have been to.  This creates a warm hearted feeling everytime the photo is looked upon and memorys of the happiness flood back to the couple because the image can bring back the same emotions they felt on that day. "Visual metaphors can invite the reader to work a litte bit, to interact with the ad; the reader is engaged by thinking."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.081)The actual product is not featured in this advertisement which makes consumers wonder what this camera could possibly look like, or what instant love means. "Not only do you need to think critically about formulating a core campaign idea, you must think critically and creatively about communicating something specific about the brand or group, not a generic message or pedestrian sign."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.204) On the bottom left hand corner the brand name is also featured as if it was part of the map which makes the search for this product much easier. "The facts, the details, the benefits of any product get lost, but the story stays, even more powerfully if the viewer or listener becomes a part of that story.  Thus a branding strategy may become a form of complex interactive storytelling experience."(Advertising by Design, Robbins, p.197)   

Thursday, March 17, 2011


"Style is a visual look and feel based on the particular characteristics that contribute to the overall appearance.  In any media, typefaces, color palette, textures, patterns, compositional modes, kinds of images, the nature of the imagery, and graphic elements all contribute to the look and feel of an advertisement or ad campaign." (Advertising by Design, Landa, p. 203) As for my method of advertisement, I have decided to feature a promotional image that can be used as a full page magazine ad, billboard, taxi topper, bus advertisement, or any place an image can be printed on or uploaded to.  The image itself will use intense bright colors to attract conumer's attention and use the same typeface that is associated with the brand's products.  In approaching my advertisement, the technique of approaching the message through a slice of life.  "In advertising, slice-of-life format is a drama showing a realistic portrayal of life, featuring everyday situations to which average people can readily relate." (Advertising by Design, Landa, p.117) The image itself will contain a photograph of a normal couple, not any one famous (but will soon be) like a spokesperson, but a normal every day couple who cherish the moments of their lives.  In doing this, the range of consumers I can attract brodens, and without using a person someone is familiar with their is no bias towards the product itself. "Your story should illuminate something about the nature of a person, subject, or situation."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.193)  This is an advertisement aimed towards adults who never have the time for the important moments anymore and I find it suitable to place this image in all the places stated because that's where those consumers usually are. "Carried through any campaign, there must be a distinct core idea, an underlying central concept or related ideas- one could call it a theme or story."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.192)  This target market is either a stay at home person, or a workaholic and may not have the time to lounge around and watch televsion, but on the road these advertisements will be available for their viewing purposes. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 10 EOC: What Channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

To get my product noticed by my target market, I will be creating a advertisement built solely on simplicity and honesty of what my product can do. Currently, many people have forgotten about Polaroid cameras, and only want the latest new camera out there, but with my advertisement I will reintroduce this type of camera to those who have seen it before, and to the younger generations who have never laid eyes upon it.  I will do this by using the method of not showing the actual product and only the result. By doing this, consumers will see my advertisement and wonder "What kind of camera produces that kind of photo?, I need to know, or I want one." By adding a sense of mystery the consumer will then research and see the brand of the program and slogan which will then lead them to the product. I will not feature anything about the product that is not true and will hope that the consumers will be amazed and want to know more about the product. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 9 EOC: For those who think young

It's always ironic about thinking young or wanting to be young as adults because the youth of today want to and try to if they can grow up faster then their supposed to. The youth of today want nothing more then what adults have and want to do what adults get to experience.  While adults who have lived their youth want nothing but to go back, even if it costs them surgery or millions of dollars just to look young.  The only reason I can think of for an adult to be young again is because they miss the life with no worries or no responsibilities attached to their lives.  They see the mind of the youth as something fresh and creative when really in my opinion our minds have not reached its full potential of creativity because we have not been able to experience a lot of things that adults have which shape the way we think. There is a lot of concern for the youth because we are considered as the future, but most youth may not even care about the future and only strive to live for today.  In advertising, youthful products are seen as fun and impulsive, characteristics adults may have lost because of all the everyday life that sits on their shoulders.  Adults may want the way of thinking that the youth has because of their target market, advertisers may want to relate and focus on what the youth of today wants and what's in for them, or what the latest fad is.  In our country, although the youth are considered the future, they don't even bother to vote or care for politics because none of it matters or makes sense to us.  Advertisers may aim their commercials at the youth because of the influence they have on their parents or their peers, which spreads fast especially because of today's technology as well.  In my opinion is was the adults who came up with some of the basic inventions that we have today such as cars and telephones which we tweeked or made something modeled after that.  It is always said that the older you are the wiser you get and that’s because of what you experience so there's nothing really special about being young to young person.

The Big Idea

"An effective ad is driven by the underlying concept. An advertising idea-or concept- is the creative reasoning behind a solution. The concept determines the resulting message: what you say and how you design."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p. 066) The solution this ad campaign is aiming towards is the solution for adult consumers who just don't have any time to capture the important moments whether it be with their own family or their own adventures. This product can make that possible while saving the consumer time and instantly having a photograph of an important memory. In order to attract adult customers, my advertisements will consist of demonstrating the product itself while presenting the type of instant love this camera holds within each picture. "Finding a relevant insight into how people think, what they need or desire, and how they act, termed a consumer insight, is paramount for idea generation." (Advertising by Desing, Landa, p.068) The big idea is that in  each scenario, it will allow the customer to fully experience the camera and see what precious moments can be captured and shared instantly.  This will remind the customer of how fun instant photography was back in the day and allow them to have a modern experience of a polaroid camera. "That consumer insight should be coupled with an insight into the brand, according to Lisa Fortini-Campbell, advertising expert and professor in the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, Chicago. Fortini-Campbell argues that by combing the consumer and brand insight, one can attain and advertising "sweet spot"- the most effective place to hit the audience with your marketing messages."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.068) Whether it be a magazine ad, each advertisement will be created with simplicity for a product to be easily understood those that are not familiar to it by using truth and honesty. " An ad idea is visually  and verbally expressed through the creation, selection, combination, manipulation, and arrangement of visual and verbal elements and the written copy." (Advertising by Design, Landa, p.066) 

Week 9 BOC: Frank O'Hara

After reading the poem Mayakovsky, I felt like I could picture the images he was trying to portray clearly through his words and use of imagery, but my thoughts would end there with confusion.  It felt as if I was flipping through the channels on a television nonstop, but flipping to different parts of his life when he found himself in different situations.  The poem sounds like he is waiting for his normal self to return, or he has lost his self, or is just finding himself, which I can relate to, constantly thinking of different memories wondering who I am or who I'm going to become if anyone. Although the events he states sound serious, he says them in a jokingly manner and light tone with no seriousness to his own words at all.  I can almost hear him grinning reading the poem to myself. His words seem random, but I can follow how one of this thoughts lead to another, for example, "Words! be sick as I am sick, swoon, roll back your eyes, a pool".  He feels sick so he feels like he is going to faint, usually when a person faints their eyes roll back and close, which can remind him of closing his eyes in the pool under water. His words connect in some weird way to all of his thoughs and emotions all at once.  I can also relate to that by having my mind feeling uneasy or feeling all these different emotions at once and thinking of so many things that are sometimes irrelevant and sometimes most important.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 8 Eoc: Fonts and Slogans

Competitive Analysis

"Very few products, services, or groups are unique; most are parity products, that is, they offer qualities and functions similar, or identical to those of their competitors. Branding and advertising differentiates these parity products, services, and groups in a crowded marketplace."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.049) One of the main competitors my product would come across is the well known camera brand Nikon.  Nikon offers high quality digital cameras that do not require film but require basic and complex knowledge of the camera to be used to its fullest potential.  Nikon has also been a type of brand that has been around for many years just like the polaroid camera, but has progressed from film to digital photography allowing photos that are taken with a click of button as well and can be shared through the internet. They offer a "Funtional Benefit: the practical or useful characteristics of a product or service."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.050) The photos can be transferred from the camera to a computer through the USB chord or memory card, and can be printed straight from the computer which requires a separate printer with ink or can be sent to a photo lab for prints.  As for their customers and clients, they rarely ever use the form of television commercials as advertisement.  Their advertisement relies mostly on their reputation of the brand, word of mouth of fellow photographers, and occasionally magazine adds or internet forums with picture advertisements.  Because they are digital, they offer the option of having a memory card for storage of photographs and the tool to import the images onto a computer. A current challenge they may be facing is their customers who love the Nikon brand but have no idea on how to use a DSLR camera.  To fix this problem they have created a separate line of simpler cameras called Coolpix that are smaller in size and easier to use, but a lot of complaints have been made about the quality of those cameras living up to the Nikon name. In creating that other line, Nikon used the "Value benefit: in the end, what a person wants from a product,service, or group."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.050) The company also has featured a type of spokesperson only for the Coolpix like which is Ashton Kutcher. "A spokesperson is an individual- an average person, actor, model, or other celebrity- who positively represents the product, service or group."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.112)  As for my own campaign, I will utilize my resources of advertisement more efficiently and give the people an idea of how great the Fujifilm Instax Camera really is. "Emotional benefit: an intangible asset based on feelings,not on a functional characteristic of a product or service. It is a repsonse that may derive from personal significance or reward and desire to feel good."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.050)  Not only just an emotional benefit but a functional benefit combined because the Fujifilm Instax 210 camera offers more then just a digital image, I feel the experience and emotions after the instant picture is seen is what will make this product known to consumers. Usually camera advertisements demonstrate how their camera works in a minimal way, but because this camera is so easy to use and has great quality photos instantly, it is easy to advertise and show a full demonstration within 30 seconds, or through a photographed advertisement.

FujiFilm Instax 210: Instant Love

"A campaign needs to have an overarching story or theme.  It must have a unified and varied message.  The larger, overarching story has a duality; each ad should be unified with the other, and yet each offers some variety so that people are curious enough to receive the next message."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.199) Fujifilm Instax 210 Camera is a modern take of the original polaroid camera which shoots instant polaroid film in an easier way.  Instant Love comes from how quickly the photographs are developed within the camera to the love the photographer and subject may feel once they see how the photograph comes out.   A matter of seconds is all it takes for the photograph to be fully developed.  "People are engaged by compelling narratives.  If a brand or group has a story to tell, then it will be more dimensional. Though the branding, advertising, and every point of contact, people learn the brand story." (Advertising by Design, Landa, p. 056)  The word instant serves as a juxtaposition to the word Love in how in some cases it takes a lifetime for people to really find true love.  With this camera love is brought to you with a click of a button that can be shared with generations and cherished for years.  "Throughout the life of a campaign, which can run for a short or long period of time, you create and maintain a visual look or framework.  We do this so that people will recognize each ad unit within a campaign, feel familiar, and make connections among the various messages." (Advertising by Design, Landa, p.199) Whenever the consumer will hear the words instant love, they will make a connection to the brand and product and understand what it means through personal views and responses to the advertisements of the campaign. Instant love works as a central theme for the campaign as well as the slogan of the product.

Week 7 EOC: The Pitch

Its just you and the camera, that split second where you instantly get to capture a precious moment in time.  Aimed at middle aged and young adults who's lives are to fast pace that their children or themselves miss out on their own memories. This is for the adults who don't depends entirely on technology and miss the good old days, the adults who love the classic way of photography, point and shoot.  Not point, shoot, and transfer to the computer to edit.  Adults would find this camera more convenient than digital cameras because they instantly have their pictures printed and ready for the scrapbook.   Remember the joy you once had when your parents pulled out their polaroid cameras that took photos they still have of you?  FujiFilm's Instax 210 camera = Instant Love.