Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Competitive Analysis

"Very few products, services, or groups are unique; most are parity products, that is, they offer qualities and functions similar, or identical to those of their competitors. Branding and advertising differentiates these parity products, services, and groups in a crowded marketplace."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.049) One of the main competitors my product would come across is the well known camera brand Nikon.  Nikon offers high quality digital cameras that do not require film but require basic and complex knowledge of the camera to be used to its fullest potential.  Nikon has also been a type of brand that has been around for many years just like the polaroid camera, but has progressed from film to digital photography allowing photos that are taken with a click of button as well and can be shared through the internet. They offer a "Funtional Benefit: the practical or useful characteristics of a product or service."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.050) The photos can be transferred from the camera to a computer through the USB chord or memory card, and can be printed straight from the computer which requires a separate printer with ink or can be sent to a photo lab for prints.  As for their customers and clients, they rarely ever use the form of television commercials as advertisement.  Their advertisement relies mostly on their reputation of the brand, word of mouth of fellow photographers, and occasionally magazine adds or internet forums with picture advertisements.  Because they are digital, they offer the option of having a memory card for storage of photographs and the tool to import the images onto a computer. A current challenge they may be facing is their customers who love the Nikon brand but have no idea on how to use a DSLR camera.  To fix this problem they have created a separate line of simpler cameras called Coolpix that are smaller in size and easier to use, but a lot of complaints have been made about the quality of those cameras living up to the Nikon name. In creating that other line, Nikon used the "Value benefit: in the end, what a person wants from a product,service, or group."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.050) The company also has featured a type of spokesperson only for the Coolpix like which is Ashton Kutcher. "A spokesperson is an individual- an average person, actor, model, or other celebrity- who positively represents the product, service or group."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.112)  As for my own campaign, I will utilize my resources of advertisement more efficiently and give the people an idea of how great the Fujifilm Instax Camera really is. "Emotional benefit: an intangible asset based on feelings,not on a functional characteristic of a product or service. It is a repsonse that may derive from personal significance or reward and desire to feel good."(Advertising by Design, Landa, p.050)  Not only just an emotional benefit but a functional benefit combined because the Fujifilm Instax 210 camera offers more then just a digital image, I feel the experience and emotions after the instant picture is seen is what will make this product known to consumers. Usually camera advertisements demonstrate how their camera works in a minimal way, but because this camera is so easy to use and has great quality photos instantly, it is easy to advertise and show a full demonstration within 30 seconds, or through a photographed advertisement.

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